Per Bjerkeli

I am an astronomer working at Chalmers University of Technology. This is my personal website and it includes work related material as well as some private stuff.



My research interests are mainly in the field of star- and planet formation, with focus on molecular outflows and the intial conditions for planet formation.



I use observations at (far)-infrared and (sub)millimetre wavelengths, taken with facilities such as the Herschel Space Observatory, Odin, APEX and ALMA.

Astronomer in the Galactic Astronomy group, Chalmers University of Technology, Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden.
Reserarch funded by a starting grant from the Swedish research council (VR).
Research in star and planet formation, with special interest in molecular outflows and protoplanetary disk formation.


Main research project

Resolving star formation with ALMA

The aim of the Resolving star formation with ALMA project (REALM) is to constrain the outflow launching mechanism and the initial initial conditions for planet formation.

Research group

Galactic Astronomy

I am part of of the unit of Galactic Astronomy, at the department of Space, Earth and Environment (SEE), Chalmers. The research is focused on our own Milky Way.


ALMA, APEX, Odin and Herschel

During my PhD, I used data taken with space-based facilities such as Odin and Herschel. In my current research, I mainly use data aquired with ground-based facilities, such as ALMA.



I received my PhD from Chalmers in 2012 and did my postdoc in the Young Stars group at the Centre for Star and Planet formation, Copenhagen University. I am currently employed as a researcher in the Galactic Astronomy group at Chalmers.